Specializing in 30 Day, 1 & 2 Year New Home Warranty Inspections
Cell: 519.217.7441
Alliston, Barrie, New Tecumseth, Innisfil, Beeton, Angus, Bradford, Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, Orangeville, Shelburne, Caledon, Bolton, Grand Valley, Erin, Georgetown, Arthur, Tottenham, Collingwood, Newmarket and surrounding areas.

Residential Price List
30 Day, 1 & 2 Year New Home Warranty Inspections $400 No HST (up to 1,999 sq./ft.)
Home Inspection Pricing for:
● 30 Day New Home Inspection *
● 1 & 2 Year New Home Inspection*
Up to 1999 sq.ft - $400 Reg.
2000 sq.ft to 2499 sq.ft - $425 Reg.
2500 sq.ft to 2999 sq.ft - $450 Reg.
3000 sq.ft to 3499 sq.ft - $475 Reg.
3500 sq.ft to 3999 sq.ft - $500 Reg.
4000 sq.ft to 4499 sq.ft - $525 Reg.
4500 sq.ft to 4999 sq.ft - $550 Reg.
5000 sq.ft to 5499 sq.ft - $600 Reg.
5500 sq.ft to 5999 sq.ft - $650 Reg.
6000 sq.ft to 6499 sq.ft - $700 Reg.
6500 sq.ft to 6999 sq.ft - $750 Reg.
7000 sq.ft to 7499 sq.ft - $800 Reg.
7500 sq.ft to 7999 sq.ft - $850 Reg.
Add $100 for each 1000 sq.ft over 8000 sq.ft.
● Pre-Listing Inspections *
● Pre-Purchase Inspections *
● Maintenance Inspectiions *
● Pre-Delivery Inspections *
Add $25 for each additional attic over 1.
Add $50 for homes 40 years or older.
Add $25 for extra kitchen.
Add $25 per outbuilding/garage detached from the home if an inspection is requested.
High Rise Condominiums - $400
HST extra
* Prices listed above are per service
Mold & Air Quality
Inspection Pricing
Up to 3000 sq.ft - $400. (approx. 3 hours)
Add $50/1000 sq.ft. over 3000 sq.ft.
Includes a full inspection, report, lab analysis of 2 air samples taken & 1 lift sample.
Additional samples and analysis $70/sample analysis.
Add $25 per outbuilding/garage detached from the home if an inspection is requested.
HST extra
Fighting Mold: The Homeowners' Guide to Understanding Mold
(Article By CMHC Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation)
• Mold can be harmful or helpful — depending
on where it grows.
• Mold needs moisture to grow.
• Mold does not grow on dry materials.
• Mold growing inside a home can affect the
• Occupants can learn to recognize mold.
All prices quoted are for single family residences in the Greater Toronto Area with one kitchen. All home inspections, with the exception of the Walk Through Inspection, come with a detailed home inspection report. Please call for a quote for areas outside of the G.T.A. Mileage charges may apply for these areas. An average inspection takes between 6 to 7 hours, depending on the age, size and condition of the home.
HOMESTAR Inspections accepts cash, personal or corporate cheques. Payment is due at the
end of the inspection. Please make cheques payable to HOMESTAR Inspections Inc.